Dental medicine, also called dentistry and dental medicine, is a field of medical science that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, prevention of oral diseases, disorders, and infections. Oral diseases can affect any part of your body but they generally occur in the mouth, tongue, jaw, and throat. Oral problems range from common dental health issues like gingivitis, periodontal disease, cavities, and bad breath to more serious conditions like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, anorexia, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. A multidisciplinary team approach to a patient's dental problem is used in order to treat dental problems. This is the main reason for the popularity of cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics nowadays. Dental implants have become one of the most popular forms of dental technology. Dental implants are artificial titanium roots that are surgically planted into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. If you need to get dental implants, it is best to consult with an oral su...